Hold on Shakespeare, Russia has lost 400,000 troops to death and injury in the Ukraine war. They have terrible logistics and can’t feed or supply the troops in the field right now. They have a population of about 140 million declining at 2 percent per year and a GDP that’s in the tank thanks to western sanctions. They’ve used up their modern tanks and are now sending 50+ year old armor into battle because the replacement rate is anemic. Their air force is pretty good still but it does not face the west and its weapons the way tanks do. F16’s are barely in theater. Putin has nukes but it is not certain they are in good repair given his budgets and corruption. NATO is NATO, it is useful to keep in mind that the west including the US, France, and Britain have the same number of nukes (by treaty) as Russia. Putin could push the button but it would be really bad for him and us. So in all this please tell me where Putin is going to get and train 200,000 new troops and outfit them? Also Russia still uses WWII tactics and it shows. The situation is dangerous but I don’t see it unfolding your way. Wait till April when Putin is safely re-elected to see him soften and find a face-saving way to exit.