Member-only story
Guidance for those new to working at home
I’ve been working on my own in a spare bedroom of my home for over 16 years. If you are new to the idea, perhaps imposed on you by the corona virus situation, maybe you are wondering how to structure your time. Maybe I can help. Here are some suggestions gleaned from my experience that helped me and might help you.
Take a break
This seems like a funny place to start but if you are one of those Type-A, charge ahead individuals, you’ll need a little moderation else you’ll burn out. And if you are more laid back you need a way to ensure you don’t fritter away the day, so let’s start here. I generally take a break every two hours and I take a two-hour lunch which clears my head and gives me enough time to drain the dog and get food or do an errand. Just don’t abuse the privilege.
Remember you suddenly don’t have a commute to consider, so if you are like a lot of people, this gives you back a couple of hours per day. You’ll be surprised how quickly you forget about drive-time radio, I know I did.
A day in the life
I think it was Dale Carnegie who said that he only worked half days and it didn’t matter much if…