Good stuff. But I think you ought to pay more attention to counterbalancing market mechanisms. I am not talking about the holy free market. A pox on that house. I am talking about how we reverse course when things go too far in one direction. Fact: We have not found any new oil since 2003, we are just burning inventory and drilling for smaller deposits. You are right that we will reach a point where it will not be profitable to mine more, even at $20 per gallon gasoline. We should pay attention to the idea of fossils in fossil fuels. We burn the remnants of once living plankton that grew and died in prehistoric shallow seas like the Permian Basin, now West Texas. Experiments have already shown that we can goose the lifecycle of plankton to capture more carbon and follow the long path of ketogenesis. That will be enough to calm climate change. Lastly the technology that will make our civilization fully green is already available. Deploying it is an engineering problem, and not a hard one at that. I wrote about all of this in “The Age of Sustainability.” Take care.