
Ever hear of the male tax? In biology it stands for the idea that in many species, once he's procreated, a male's work is done. Sure, some species have the male teaching the kids how to hunt and the male brings home a kill now and then, but not always. Female lions do the hunting and everything else while the males dominate the pride (what a word) and sleep. The trouble is that sexual reproduction, in which 2 individuals contribute an equal amount of genetic material is the best method for promoting evolution that has ever been invented. So, where is this going? Simply put females have their roles thrust upon them by life, but males have to learn how to be males beyond conjugation. There is a raft of new literature that demonstrates how poorly we're doing at raising boys. Hint: It's not about teaching them to hunt.



Denis in Boston
Denis in Boston

Written by Denis in Boston

Used to write a lot more about science, tech, econ, politics etc. I spend my time reading and painting with exercise for good measure. Looking for more.

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