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CRM and society
We all know that the world is changing before us, but that’s a given and even a cliché. The big question is how is it changing? We’ve got a pandemic, social unrest, and an economy that looks like it’s being held together with chewing gum and bungee cords. In all of this there is a business world trying to right itself and at least restore some semblance of prosperity to prevent a years-long catastrophe.
It is wrong to say that a rebounding economy is all we need but it would solve a lot of problems; however, the challenges we face are not exclusively of the economic kind. That said, a paycheck can buy groceries, pay the rent and begin the process of building the next normal. The challenge is to avoid being lulled into a false sense of security that reverting to the old normal would be good enough, because it never was.
Luckily, there’s a lot of thinking and talking going on among the people who can operate some of the levers of society and make a difference. Moreover, a research project we’re just concluding at Beagle Research points out some important directions. Here are some things to consider.
A recent Wall Street Journal story, “A conclave of America’s Top CEOs Talks Race and Making Change” detailed a zoom conference that attracted more than 300 CEOs from America’s Fortune 500 companies. Attendees included CEO’s from IBM, American Airlines and Johnson &…